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Commissioned Art

We commissioned a local Connecticut florist to create two silk floral arrangements utilizing the client’s own Polymer Floral Petals. The pink petals with the lightbulbs were originally designed in the 1970’s using a moire silk polymer similar to the material used to cover drum kits. The client displayed both arrangements in their Lobby and Executive Conference Room.


Custom Lightbox

We designed a total of three custom built lightboxes to highlight and display 2 x 2” slides. We “sandwiched” the slides into milled moulding using frosted plexiglass and sheets of LED lights for a consistent field of light.


We custom milled a 3” deep clear hardwood maple frame to house our crossword puzzle of 2 x 2 x 2” wooden blocks for our Toy Story themed project. The crayons and toy soldiers were mounted onto cork and we used Optimum Musuem Plexiglass as glazing.

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